Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hello Music

  1. I am going to revive something I have done long time ago but did not have the time to do it.
  2. I am going to use this blog to talk about anything relating to music. From song reviews to my own music.
  3. This blog will be short and brief because I know there are too many blogs out there to follow and there is no reason why I should make you read long essays.
  4. For a start, I have composed something last weekend and would like to share it with you.

  5. It is a short piano piece with string instruments, violin and cello.
  6. Blast it out loud so you can hear the different layer of strings and the dynamics of the instruments.
  7. Simple song form with few basic chords.
  8. Let me know if you want the piano score.
  9. Also, recently I am learning dizi, a Chinese flute with mellow and expressive tone. It’s a difficult instrument especially if you want to play different octaves of notes.


  1. Again, nice short tune~ :)But dude, it'll be even better if you could develop that into a standard song form with a standard length, like perhaps: intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, about 4 mins in length? If that's possible, since maybe you didn't mean that to be a pop song. Just a suggestion, since the tune is nice, it should be enjoyed at a longer duration, don't you think? hehe:)

  2. Yeap, let me work on that. Will work on a full arrangement for that song with proper drum track. :) Will post it here once I'm done with it.

  3. nice ar.. try to make some with unsur2 tradisional...since u learning dizi...

  4. Hello Music, Hello SK..=)

    Welcome to join blogging..hehe
